
Double Socks To Prevent Blisters

Could putting on a second pair of socks make you more comfortable while hiking?

Wearing two pairs of socks while hiking can help to forestall blisters, keep odors under control, keep your feet warm, and assist in wicking away moisture from your anxiety. On the other manus, doubling up on socks may be also tight, make your feet as well warm, or may not fit in your hiking boots or shoes.

If you're thinking nearly wearing two pairs of socks on your next hiking take a chance rather than just one, information technology may help to know what benefits you tin get from doing then. For some hikers, there may also be downfalls. Non all shoes are fabricated to fit two pairs of socks, for case.

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Continue on through this article and I'll shed some light on whether or not you should be wearing two pairs of socks on your hiking adventures.

My very own foot with two pairs of socks

Biggest Reason To Wear Two Pairs Of Socks

The biggest reason hikers might want to wear two pairs of socks is to prevent blisters. Although it might not be the first reason you call up of, information technology's a benefit that your feet will really appreciate. Blisters get started when your skin rubs confronting your shoes or socks for besides long. The more this chafing occurs, the more irritated your skin gets. Before long, it will get from a little flake of redness to becoming an open up wound.

Blisters develop to protect that wound from further damage. While they do intend to exist helpful, they aren't comfortable – especially while yous're nonetheless hiking.

In some cases, even college quality socks tin can contribute to the creation of blisters if they are paired upward with the wrong shoes, get wet, or but aren't the right material for the journey. Because of this, some hikers volition opt to clothing a smaller, thinner pair of socks under their normal hiking socks. Calculation another layer helps to protect your feet from friction and blisters.

The virtually popular sock type used as a sock liner are Injinji socks (see at REI, or here at Amazon). They are specifically designed to reduce friction considering they are toe socks, which makes it so your toes don't have the hazard to rub up against 1 another.

Injinji socks are by far the most pop sock liner. (see at REI, or hither at Amazon)

Other types of sock liners are whatever type of polish, thin sock–in fact some people vesture super-soft silk socks as a sock liner, while others choose sparse wool.

My brother uses Neoprene socks and they've done a great task at helping him with his blister problem. Oftentimes, these socks are used in combination with others to keep the peel dry and protected. If y'all're curious about how helpful Neoprene socks can be on your hiking trips, take a wait at our article on the benefits of Neoprene socks here.

How Many People Vesture Two Pairs Of Socks While Hiking?

While by far the number 1 reason people wear two pairs of socks was to prevent blisters, other reasons included warmth or extra cushion.

I was curious how many people really wore two pairs of socks while they hiked then I decided to ask a community of hikers and got 141 responses. It turns out that most people choose to article of clothing ii pairs of socks while hiking:

53% of hikers wear two pairs of socks, 46% of hikers article of clothing one, and 1% wearable none!
141 hikers full

By far, the nigh mutual answer past nearly people who wear i pair of socks, they say they wearable Darn Tough socks and there's no need to article of clothing more than. Other pop brands were Smartwool and Wright Dual Layer socks by other 1-pair-of-socks wearers

The most common combo for 2-pairs-of-socks-wearers was Injinji toe socks with Darn Tough. The 2nd pair of socks were mostly Darn Tough, Smartwool, or some other wool sock.

Other Reasons To Wear Two Pairs Of Socks

If you lot're struggling with hot spots and blisters while you lot hike, and then the possibility of fugitive that problem could be more enough for y'all to attempt calculation a 2nd pair of socks. However, those who aren't as concerned about blisters might benefit from some of these other reasons to wear two pairs of socks.

Warmer Feet

The nigh obvious reason to put on a 2nd pair of socks is to keep your feet warm. If y'all're someone who enjoys hiking in colder weather – or even snow – you just might find that your feet get a niggling chilly while y'all're on your adventure. But like with any other part of your torso, it simply makes sense that you'd think to add an extra layer to aid in keeping your feet warm.

The only issue with this is that you lot also have to pay close attending to whether or not the socks are getting wet. In common cold conditions, sometimes moisture can soak in from the outside. Wet feet and socks aren't going to have an easy of a time staying warm if you're in a seriously cold, wet climate. If you lot find your socks getting wet and cold while you lot're out and about, make sure to stop and modify into some dry out socks to keep your feet protected.

Choosing warmer materials for your socks, similar thick wool, tin as well be a keen manner to make sure your anxiety are staying warm!

Moisture Wicking Abilities

With the right combination of socks, y'all can get some extra warmth and moisture-wicking abilities. These benefits can be useful during colder weather, helping to pull sweat away from your anxiety and keep them squeamish and cozy during your expedition.

If y'all desire to effort out using two pairs of socks for this purpose, it's important to utilise loftier-quality wool socks. Oftentimes, hikers will use a thicker wool sock with a wool liner or light sock as the inner layer. The pair of wool layers will help to pull sweat even farther away from your anxiety, allowing the outer layer to hold the sweat and the inner layer to focus on adding warmth.

For those who are wondering, wool is a meridian choice considering of the ability to wick abroad sweat and regulate temperature. When sweat is allowed to stay on your pare, it ends up making your pare colder.

Improved Shoe Fit

In some cases, wearing 2 pairs of socks might even terminate or limit chafing that comes from shoes that don't fit quite right. If yous notice your shoes are a little likewise big in certain areas, merely you lot don't desire to render them, yous might exist able to get more comfort from wearing two pairs of socks instead of one.

Some other aspect of this involves trying socks of different thicknesses. Oftentimes, hikers like to use sock liners. In other cases, they might use a sparse pair of socks as the inner layer and some wool socks for the outer layer. Depending on your shoes, yous might decide to go for thicker options.

Just remember that when it comes to the fit of your hiking shoes, there'southward merely so much socks tin practise. It's best if you lot can at least get close to the fit y'all need before you commencement making adjustments with socks.

Socks are soft, comfortable, and warm. On the other mitt, hiking can be pretty rough on your feet. Between the fit of your shoes and the obstacles on the path, you might find that your feet are feeling pretty beaten upwards by the end of the journeying.

An actress layer of socks may not cure foot pain completely, but it tin add together a scrap more cushioning confronting walking on hard, rocky surfaces. More than cushioning tin can besides hateful less sliding around in your shoes, assuasive you to get a meliorate grip wherever yous happen to exist walking.

If you're going to endeavour adding another pair of socks just for the sake of comfort, make sure y'all're thinking virtually the kinds of socks you're choosing. Some socks may be meliorate suited to colder weather than others. Wearing thick socks in the hotter months may actually add to pes issues rather than brand you more than comfortable. Aim for some thinner socks if you lot're worried most your anxiety getting as well hot.

It tin can besides be helpful to take at to the lowest degree check your socks when you have breaks. Alter them if they need to exist changed, and accept care of any potential hot spots that might be starting upwardly due to friction.

Are There Reasons Not To Wear 2 Pairs Of Socks?

Most of the time, hikers cull not to wear 2 pairs of socks considering one pair is doing the job perfectly well. Typically, they have constitute a brand or material that keeps their feet warm and comfortable without having to double upward.

A make that hikers often swear by is Darn Tough, which creates high-quality hiking options such as the Carry Town style. Many hikers who like these socks find that one pair is all they demand. Because these socks are made from Merino wool, they practise a decent task of regulating temperature. The brand also offers a variety of weights and thicknesses then that you can suit your socks for each hike you go on.

I was blown abroad by how popular Darn Tough socks were. By far, out of the people I asked, Darn Tough was the top option followed by Smartwool.

Overall, wearing two pairs of socks isn't probable to cause whatever impairment. Some hikers but don't feel that they need to add some other pair. What matters most is that you are comfy in whatsoever conditions you decide to hike in. But call back to bring extras no matter how many pairs of socks you're choosing to layer up with.

However a few people say they tried wearing two pairs and experienced a lot of discomfort (considering the socks were too tight) and some even experienced more than blisters.

The materials and brands you wear can play a role when it comes to chafing just almost anywhere on your body. If yous're concerned near chafing issues in areas other than your feet, take a look at our article on how to forestall and treat chafing only about anywhere here.

Other Reasons Not To Wear 2 Pairs Of Socks

Not all hikers already have a potent preference for a particular brand of socks. If you haven't institute socks that go along your anxiety comfortable enough, and then trying a second pair of socks might seem appealing. That said, make sure that you lot keep these potential downfalls in mind. In some cases, doubling up on socks may not be as comfortable every bit information technology seems.


Just like anywhere else on your trunk, too many layers on your feet tin make them uncomfortably warm. That heat tin can also result in sweating. Wearing multiple layers of socks can mess with the power of a single pair to wick up that wet.

Instead, the sweat may get trapped within the inner layer. That wet might make you more uncomfortable. It tin also contribute to chafing, blisters, olfactory property, and the growth of bacteria. Warm, damp areas are a prime place for bacterial and fungal issues to start forming.

If you decide to attempt out wearing two pairs of socks, brand sure to bank check on your feet here and there. Change out your socks if you need to then that moisture won't get a problem. That way, y'all can cease any issues before they get too bad.


In some cases, adding another pair of socks to your outfit might actually cause discomfort. Equally I mentioned previously, 2 pairs of socks might be helpful when your hiking shoes or boots might be a fiddling bit too spacious.

However, if your shoes are more form-fitted, there might but not be infinite for two pairs of socks. Your feet might end up feeling cramped, as well sweaty, or you lot might get-go experiencing friction when there wasn't whatever before.

It's considering of these possibilities that you should pay special attention to your feet if you're attempting a hike with two pairs of socks. Pay attention to how your feet are feeling. Are they comfortable? Are they feeling hot or sweaty? Are you noticing whatsoever friction?

Socks are not meant to exist baggy but rather are meant to be form-fitting and squeeze your anxiety a little. Putting two layers of form-plumbing fixtures socks on can actually feel very tight and uncomfortable depending on the fit of the socks.

If you're finding two pairs of socks to be too uncomfortable, then it might be worthwhile to consider just wearing i pair of quality socks instead.

How Many Pairs Of Socks Should I Take While Hiking?

The answer to this can range from a single extra pair to iii pairs of socks in total. Backpackers often like to have three pairs of socks so that they accept two they tin can switch betwixt during the day, and a comfortable, cleaner pair to wear at night.

That said, the number of actress pairs of socks you bring with you can depend on a few things. Consider the following when you're trying to decide how many extra pairs of socks y'all bring with you:

  • How long is the hike? Assuming the weather isn't too moisture and your hike is only for a day at the nearly, you may not fifty-fifty need to bring any extra socks. That said, at to the lowest degree one extra pair is e'er a expert idea – just in instance. If yous plunge your human foot into a bog or a river, accidentally, you'll have to hike with that wet human foot for the rest of the day.
  • What volition the weather be like? Cold atmospheric condition may telephone call for more pairs of extra socks. You might also merely end upwards with cold toes that need an actress layer to be comfortable.
  • What volition the environment be like? Are y'all going to be walking through water at whatsoever betoken? That might be a good time to take actress socks on mitt then that you can alter out of the moisture ones..
  • What kind of shoes will you exist bringing? Do yous prefer hiking shoes or boots? Some types of footwear might be more than probable to allow rain or other forms of moisture in. Meanwhile, others may non exercise a great job of letting moisture out. Both of these can effect the number of extra socks y'all should bring. (see our commodity about hiking shoes if you're curious what the divergence is)
  • Are y'all trying to continue weight to a minimum? Backpackers frequently endeavour to keep their pack as light as possible, so they may not want to bring more than what they admittedly need for the trail.
  • Are you planning on wearing one or two pairs of socks? Wearing 2 pairs of socks at once tin mean that you're getting two pairs of socks dirty rather than i. That also means both pairs will need to be changed. You may need to bring two extra pairs for each double-pair you get dirty in this situation.
  • Practise you lot mind stinky socks? Socks that are used heavily tend to blot more odor. It's completely up to each hiker whether they'd rather keep that smell to a minimum, or don't mind letting it build upward a little until they have a chance to go clean.

If yous're withal uncertain virtually how many pairs of socks you lot should bring on your next hike or backpacking trip, take a await at our commodity on the topic here. In this article, we have a deeper look into how many pairs of socks to bring and how you can go the almost out of them on your journey.

Double Socks To Prevent Blisters,


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