How To Make Money By Selling Videos On Stock Footage Market

Why not brand money by doing something yous like anyway?

Imagine this: you've got a swell smart telephone, camera, DSLR, good ideas and locations. All you demand to practice now is picture everything, send it to the correct website and the money starts flowing like a flash flood in Arizona. But before yous quit your job earning with stock footage, hither'south a friendly warning: selling stock footage is a marathon not a sprint. It takes discipline and persistence in club to build a wide ranging portfolio of clips.

Do you similar to brand videos with your telephone or photographic camera? Did you make a lot of videos already? Then yous are most probable sitting on a golden mine of video clips that could net you a great passive income.

Your videos can sell for a smashing cost. All you lot need to brand sure is that the clips accept a proficient visual quality, which ways a articulate picture without grain or choppiness. Another important point is that they accept value to be bought, be it a kid playing, flooding, racing, socializing, timelapse, animals, etc. There is most no limit what sells equally long as it would be interesting enough for someone to purchase it.

And the best part nearly stock footage marketplace? You don't have to be a large professional person video producer to record video content!

Stock footage market is a large database of various videos used by influencers, television companies, agencies, businesses and video productions to save time and money. Who contributes these recordings? Anyone who wants to make coin by selling their brusk video clips.

You are probably wondering "How much can I earn?" It all depends on the blazon and number of videos, the quality and the niche in which you volition shoot. Earnings tin be at $50 per calendar month at the get-go. When you build a quality and comprehensive portfolio, y'all will see much larger numbers. For some, it volition be from a few hundred to several thousand dollars a month, but the more enterprising contributors volition be able to make a good living. But as with all things, making good money on stock market does not happen overnight, information technology takes effort and perseverance. However compared to a traditional job, stock footage will earn yous money fifty-fifty when you are not working. It becomes a truly passive income that lasts for years.

Tin can anyone make coin from stock footage?

The Internet requires more and more than video content. More and more companies are using Stock Marketplace for their videos. And in the age of corking smartphones and accessible cameras, now is a dandy time to generate extra income by shooting what makes you happy and get into the stock marketplace game.


To requite you a closer look at what the stock marketplace is all nigh and how y'all can make money by shooting simple short videos, be information technology with your phone, action camera, DSLR, or fifty-fifty a professional photographic camera, we'll explain where these videos are used. You lot have probably already seen a lot of stock market footage being used in videos on social networks. For example: motivational voice communication video where a whole bunch of different clips are being shown during oral communication. Near likely, those clips were purchased from the internet by the video maker.

The purpose of Stock Footage is to save time and money for video makers. Instead of filming a specific shot of say Machu Pichu, a travel agency from US tin can but purchase it from someone who has just made that shot thus saving them time and money.

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HOW DO I Get-go?

When you get-go get-go uploading your clips to web services, you won't earn much. Only whatever you make will all the same be a nice incentive to go along doing it. For starters, you can make your entire portfolio in your spare time and therefore make money. As you become about information technology more methodically, and so volition your earnings increase. Just now you may exist wondering if information technology's non also tardily to offset recording and selling your videos. information technology's never too late! It'south however a great fourth dimension to find an interesting niche, beginning recording, build your portfolio and make coin doing what you lot love doing anyway.

Not to mention technology is on your side. You lot can commencement recording with your smartphone and invest in a gimbal that volition stabilize your video every bit you move. Cameras and lenses are getting amend and cheaper. While cameras used to crave selling all your earthly possessions and sacrifice your firstborn to the devil, with cameras without lenses and accessories solitary costing more $25,000, today there is an extremely large range of cheap (but high-quality built) cameras starting at $1500. In order to have excellent recording equipment (at to the lowest degree for stock footage), you would have to spend between $iii,000 and $6,000, which is notwithstanding not too expensive if you feel similar you volition go on doing it for years.

WHO Tin can Do good FROM STOCK FOOTAGE Marketplace?

For anyone who wants to make money! Hither are 3 corking reasons to start right now (if you haven't already):


Information technology doesn't matter if you lot are a professional or an apprentice and what gear you accept. You lot can start by shooting on your smart phone! What's important is to make quality recordings and brand coin with them.


If you accept been using your camera for some time and have been shooting various shots, and so y'all accept coin sitting in your calculator'due south hard drive. Why not brand money with it by selling your unused clips to online stock footage websites?


Your clips will sell no thing where you are, even while you sleep. And do we not just love some sweet passive income?


What's well-nigh important is that yous find your niche. At outset what matters almost is that you shoot as frequently as you can. After you get a feel of shooting, yous can start experimenting what footage makes you happy and then experiment what sells best inside your niche. Peradventure you live in a beautiful identify and accept beautiful sunsets every evening or Aurora Borealis every dark. Perchance one of your friends is a rising Hollywood star and loves to be filmed. Maybe you work on a farm, or working with wood, etc. Even your profession tin can exist a great niche from which to brand good money. Record, upload and test what content works.

And we volition reveal an additional hint of what sells best a flake later!

  • Basic technical knowledge. There are tons of tutorials and guides on Youtube nearly technical shooting skills, such equally frame charge per unit, aperture, ISO, recording angles, editing and color correction. It may audio complicated when you lot beginning, only in reality basic knowledge is not that hard.
  • Remember what your clip is about earlier shooting. Each clip should take a story or an interesting feature. Do not shoot randomly, simply if you do make sure it makes some sense. Think near what your video expresses. For best results, shoot in slow movement to get more stock material from one shot. When recording, continue in listen that you need to make at least five seconds of footage and a maximum of 59 seconds. The boilerplate is between 10 and twenty seconds.
  • Good lighting. Yous'd be amazed what great lightning tin do for you video. If you exercise not have the fancy expensive equipment (which is handy to have), yous can use sunlight from your windows or purchase a really cheap camera reflector with continuous light which will do wonders. By using lite properly, yous can set the mood of the video yous're making which will help with how your desire the mood of information technology to feel.
  • Maximize Recording. Repeat the aforementioned recording from multiple angles to maximize the number of clips from one spot, thus saving you time.
  • Slow movement. Newer cameras practically all accept slow or super slow motion recording mode. It is a great pick to use in high speed environment such every bit sports or to like shooting fish in a barrel your movement while shooting. Slow motion recording enables you lot get more clips from ane shot, maximizing your shot count and earning potential.
  • Aeriform drone shots. Drone shots are highly popular. More and more people accept the ability to buy a drone and flying with them is very like shooting fish in a barrel. All you demand interesting places, inspirational landscapes and a drone in the air. But be careful and follow legislation which requires you lot to take a drone exam and comply with the law.
  • Persistence. Record and upload daily, every ii days, or at least weekly. Don't await for your uploads to be canonical. Tape, upload and earn. Don't worry if should a prune be rejected. It's only important that you upload equally many videos equally possible.

BONUS TIP: If you take the power to include people in your clips, do it. Clips that have people in them are by far the best selling ones. But be careful: when you lot motion picture people, you also need to get a argument from them that they agree to beingness filmed. If yous can't get their form release and you filmed people in a public space, you can still sell the footage under "editorial" but nosotros'll get to that later on.


There are quite a few websites where yous tin can sell your footage, only we mainly advise Pond5 and BlackBox. You lot can bring together for free and upload your own footage. The difference between them is mainly in:

On Pond5, as an exclusive provider, you go higher sales percentage.

On BlackBox you upload your footage which is then sent to four websites, such equally Pond5, Shutterstock, Vimeo Stock and Adobe Stock. Delight note that if you lot are uploading to BlackBox, y'all should non upload the same footage to the 4 services that we only mentioned. Why use BlackBox? And then you don't accept to upload the same prune to several stock footage sites.

Sample clip on Pond5

Primer posnetka na Pond5

Pros and cons:

Which service to get to is your choice. Plus, Pond5 is designed to requite yous more sales as an exclusive stock footage contributor. BlackBox saves you a lot of time past automatically sending your clips to 4 stock footage markets, but they will too take a minor commission from you when a clip is sold.


When you submit a download, yous send it to Blackbox in maximum inventory. If you are selling mail products that you take with your site, Blackbox has taken its task in paying you a nice monthly and paying through Paypal every month.

If you want to spread your portfolio, you need to upload your clips with all their metadata to each stock market provider separately (if you're non an exclusive correspondent). Blackbox saw an opportunity in this and created a platform on which yous upload a clip, put in the metadata and release forms (if there are any) and they automatically distribute your clip to different stock services. That ultimately enabled users to salve on time and increased the chances of a clip beingness sold. One time you do sell a clip, you lot become a simplified PayPal payment each calendar month on the same engagement.

Pond5 review

Nosotros made an in depth review of what'south it like being on Pond5, if you're on the fence which i to bring together.

BlackBox review

We likewise have an updated BlackBox review, if you're on the contend which one to join.

Primer posnetka za Stock footage market


Of grade you can! The more you lot shoot footage, the amend it is. While you're on holiday why not brand the about of information technology and film information technology. You get to record your memories and at the same fourth dimension make money. If you become to an interesting location movie it. Something absurd happens? Moving picture it! Don't nosotros all desire to go payed for going on holiday? That should be the ultimate goal of whatever person.


As we said before, you can beginning with a smartphone. If you want something more, in that location are enough of very cheap and accessible cameras that will get the job done. Just if you're wondering in which resolution to tape, you need to shoot in at least Full HD which is 1920×1080. It is encouraged to shoot in 4K simple because 4K clips tin can be sold either as Full HD or 4k and will last for a longer time, making you lot more money in the long run. Not to mention 4K clips sell for more coin. Who doesn't want more coin, seriously!?

Prune Clarification, METADATA AND RELEASE Class

Every clip has to have a title that briefly describes what'south in the prune. This description serves as SEO (search engine optimization) when someone searches for a clip through outside searches, such every bit Google.

Next is Metadata. These are central words that form as a detailed discussion for word description of what is in your clip, what emotions they elicit, colors, people, everything. Metadata is used to provide people who search for clips an authentic search effect. For this reason, yous must put actress effort in your metadata so information technology purposefully describes your prune.

Last are Release Forms. When you motion-picture show people, business or historic buildings, you need a written and singed grade that gives you permission to have filmed information technology. If you don't have the chance to get a release form, worry not. You can still sell the clip every bit Editorial merely it'southward price will too be lower and not usable for commercial purposes.


Start filming today so y'all'll have a ameliorate tomorrow!