
How Much Money Can You Make Blogging

If you want to learn how to make money blogging, you pauperization to ditch the same advice you've been reading.

"Expert" bloggers tend to give you taxonomic group advice virtually writing around your passions, staying consistent, forming good writing habits, and creating great subject matter.

Past, a few geezerhood from now, you'll at last have sufficiency website traffic to monetise your web log with assort programs, Google AdSense, online courses, podcasting, or selling digital products.

The hard truth is, it doesn't have to bring forward you years – blogging advice is just outdated.

To make life-changing money from your web log as express as mathematical, you deman to intend like a CEO and care for your blog like a business, non a hobby.

I started this blog in Jan 2019 to pass over my progress as a brand new blogger using everything I noninheritable in the startup globe.

And every bit you can see from my Web log Income Reports, I now make all over $100,000 a month from this blog that I started evenhanded two and fractional years ago.

I Bob Hope this guide gives you some fresh ideas and updates your tactics for the 2020s and beyond.

Let's get weaving.

How to Make Money Blogging.

Ahead anything other, the initiative is starting a blog by purchasing web hosting.

Here's my favorite tyro setup at the lowest cost with the best features (based connected my 10+ years of have):

  1. Click here to go to (<- that link gets you a rebate) and click Get going Now.
  2. Choose the Choice Plus Architectural plan.
  3. Enter the domain name you deprivation to utilisation (i.e.
  4. Figure your account information.
  5. Under Package Information, choose an account plan settled on how long you privation to py. (Think back, there's a 30-Clarence Shepard Day Jr. money-back guarantee with all plans, so no risk!)
  6. Uncheck the Packet Extras (you don't require them.)
  7. Complete your purchase, choose your password, and login to your Bluehost account.
  8. Answer the onboarding questions or skip them, but choose "blog" when prompted.
  9. Snap "skip" when information technology comes to choosing your theme. (We'll get that classified out late.)
  10. From the Bluehost splasher, snap the WordPress release on the top right and you'll be taken to WordPress.

Congrats! You forthwith experience a somebody-hosted WordPress blog!

Nowadays let's shell your new blog like a startup and make real money blogging.

Choose Your Blog's Niche Based on Market Factors, Not Your Passions.

There's a reason that 95% of bloggers fail, and it's not wherefore you cogitate.

The current myth is that bloggers break dow because they aren't "passionate enough."

"Push through loser to succeed," they say.

Google "why bloggers fail," and you get the same answer from the #1 result: bloggers fail because they aren't passionate enough.

I officially reject this notion.

The real reason bloggers fail is the same reason that any lin fails: it's not profitable.

Take my passions, for deterrent example.

I'm passionate about very much of things – drumming, flying airplanes, touring, uranology, distance moving, personal development, Detroit-style pizza, etc.

Notwithstandin, if I wrote an endless amount of blog posts all but one of these topics without making some money, I'd burn out 100% of the time.

Additionally, some bloggers claim, "I'm not in it for the money" or, "It's just a by-line."

Hobby bloggers are just newly bloggers that don't know how to make money yet. In whatsoever creative extremity subject field – whether it's design, web development, photography, copywriting, or video redaction – at that place are beginners and experts.

And since most bloggers start as beginners by writing nearly a passion and essay to figure everything else extinct later, they're destined to fail.

Blog Passion Myth


Plus, blogging advice is obsolete, typed only to rank happening Google, and encourages a generalized advance to appeal to the broadest possible audience.

Bloggers don't fail because of a want of passion (they have that in spades).

Bloggers fail because they can't passage from blogger to clientele owner.

So they choose a non-profitable recess targeting a low-value audience. New bloggers forget to leverage networking and connections to their strategic reward. And they put on't have enough market demand to scale traffic.

I privation you to succeed.

Before entr your blog, information technology's crucial to prefer your niche based not along passions, but tercet business factors: interview budget potential, professional leverage, and market call for.

Mark down my guide to launching a blogging business concern for more blogging articles.

1. Consultation Budget Potential.

To offer a valuable product on your web log, you require to solve a pain point for your audience. That's obvious.

As a blogger, you should deeply translate your audience's challenges so that you behind pop the question the just about in-demand solution. Fit.

Start by look niches where you're a member of the target audience yourself. This way, your arena expertness shines through faster.

But Don River't think that after you've gotten that far, you should open raised a nonproprietary list of 100 niches and narrow it set that way. Watercolors? K-Pop? Travel? Good luck with that.

What is the #1 most important cistron when choosing your blog's niche?

How much your audience is willing to spend.

IT's that perfoliate.

Let's break it down.

So in that example, net ball's say you're planning to start a blog in the home intent niche.

Your web log topics may realize different readers. Visitors could include professional inner designers, college aim students, and even stay-at-home moms who want the fashionable home decor inspiration.

To monetise this niche, you would make over a new blog and move your readers down the sales funnel:

  • First, you'd make over content to attract an audience
  • Then you'd build out a internal design "freebee" to develop e-mail opt-ins
  • Next, you could use of goods and services affiliate marketing to promote home decor brands
  • Finally, you would whir your email subscribers a $300 online course (with a money-back guarantee) about 10 Expert Interior Design Tips for the Perfect Home

Nothing is wrong with this approach – this tends to be what most bloggers do, and it can earn few passive income after a few years of building your audience.

But is it a lucrative audience? Halt-at-family moms, college students, and a few professionals with an fair salary?

Hither's the secret.

By dynamical just one word in your niche, you can increase your blog's income potential by 200x.

All you do is change "plate contrive" to "retail design."

Let me explain.

By adding a B2B element, you just shifted your audience from individuals to businesses and increased your web log's income potential by 200x.

Think about it this way. If you're selling to large businesses alternatively of individuals, you make more money for two reasons. The first is that they have more funds available. Second, it's non coming verboten of their own pocket.

Marketing Budgets By Industry


The beautiful thing about this attack is that your blog launch, content scheme, and gross sales funnel shape are almost the same for some the B2C "domicile design" and B2B "retail design" niches.

Here's the good part: while the B2C "home plan" monetization stopped at a $300 course, the B2B "retail designing" niche doesn't just stop on that point.

After you build your professional brand, you get along noted as a B2B design expert. This influence allows your Leontyne Price to jump from a $20 affiliate delegation or a $300 course – to a $5,000/calendar month continual consulting service.

Savvy your audience's pain points isn't enough.

To 200x your revenue potential difference, your audience needs to be in a lucrative B2B niche and remuneration a monthly recurring ground.

Recurring Affiliate Programs


To recap, when choosing your recession, rather than worrying more or less your passions and getting thousands of passive, low-value place visitors, center on closing 2-3 high-value clients.

With this come nea, I Hope you're root to understand why I sincerely conceive you can make $10,000/month in 90 days with a new blog.

2. Utilization Your Professional Leverage to Choose Your Blog's Niche.

After uncovering a lucrative audience to provide value to, the next step is to discover the strategic advantages you may have ended others.

Ask yourself:

  • What is my prevailing level of professional experience?
  • What connections do I have in my industry?
  • Seat I leverage this know into a profitable web log?
  • If I could pitch any internet site in the world to contribute a guest post, who would occupy me seriously from the start?

To build a truly successful blog, you commencement need to build mold. And to build authority, you need to step outside of your solace zone and purchase your connections, professional experience, and everything at your disposal like never before.

You will also atomic number 4 playing a lot of outreach to make new connections.

Outreach includes construction relationships so you can Edgar Guest post on authoritative sites in your niche. These posts give you get relevant, screaky Orbit Authority (DA) backlinks for SEO, which is still one of the unsurpassed ways to rise in the Google search rankings. And reported to Broadband Search's Holocene Internet statistics from 2019, Google process 3.5 one thousand million searches per day – or over 40,000 every indorse. There's plenty of traffic to go around.

And when you'rhenium just starting, you may not have many connections OR published content tabu there. You mightiness tell: "Why would anyone feature film me?"

Leverage your background helps tremendously.

E.g., if you'rhenium a lensman, you might have a base of clients, contacts from local get together-up groups, and even know photography influencers that you met in the past. If you can leverage these contacts in the future, you can accelerate the development of your blog.

3. Your Recess Needs Market Demand.

Before you get started, you ask to do some research and see if people search for the topics you want to write about – and they are monetizable.

The two main types of monetizable keywords are "best" list posts and "how-to" guides.

These two briny types of keywords have the near affiliate selling revenue potential.

For model, in the case of the "best" list posts:

  • In travel, this could constitute "best travel insurance" or "best travel backpack."
  • In finance, it could be "incomparable nest egg accounts" or "unexcelled Roth Individual retirement account."
  • In tech, it could live "best VR headset" or "best PS5 exclusives."

When people are searching for the "better" something, they are looking for extendable-form guides recommending products that are left-slanting aside bloggers. Almost of these will suffer good affiliate programs to join and elevat.

In the case of "how-to" guides, these could be:

  • In marketing, how to make a website.
  • In lifestyle, how to ornament your kitchen.
  • In health, how to find rid of of acne.

These how-to guides are interminable-form tutorials packed with high-quality content. These are besides good for adding assort links.

Once you understand your leverage and passions, take your chosen niche, and make out up with the clear 10 keywords to target.

Next, use a keyword research tool the like GrowthBar, Google Keyword Contriver, SEMRush, or Ahrefs and enter your keywords.

With GrowthBar, you can do your keyword research correctly while you're inquiring on Google.


Here are roughly strategies to keep in mind when it comes to keyword research.

If your top 5 keywords have search volumes of leastwise 5,000, this shows that at that place is interest in these topics. Here's an example of my target keyword therein blog post:

Ahrefs How to Make Money Blogging Keyword

After that, take the keyword difficulty account (a number from 0 to 100 on how difficult it will be to rank for the keyword).

If your keywords have difficulty scores of 80 or higher, the contention whitethorn be too stormy for you to make an impact.

Shoot for target keywords with over 2,000 monthly searches and under a 50 difficulty make sol that you can potentially get Thomas More traffic with less competition.

Another way to view competition is to apply an SEO tool around like Ahrefs to see search engine results pageboy (SERP) data. Specifically, anticipate the Domain Rating (DR) of the first page results and the SERP billet history.

If the top 10 results all ingest a DR over 70, your raw blog with a DR of 0 is non going to find on varlet one, thus getting no traffic.

All the same, if you date a website with a DR under 50 along page one, that's a good indication that you can outrank them over time with timbre content.

Last, if the SERP position history hasn't budged over the last six months, that means that positions #1 – 5 have stayed in the same spot. In these cases, the competition may be too cold for that keyword.

To recapitulate, when researching your blog's market demand, aim topics that take in keywords with:

  • 2,000+ monthly searches
  • A keyword difficulty score under 50
  • The first page of Google has leastways same web site with a DR under 50
  • A SERP position history that has changed recently.

To summarize, focus less on writing and more than on keyword enquiry – all single blog post needs to target one keyword.

Make sure to choose your ecological niche based on audience budget potential, professional leverage, and market demand.

Recover an audience that you're a part of and interpret their challenges personally. Up-level that audience to make sure thither's a B2B component to 200x your revenue potential. Leverage your network, task experience, and everything else at your disposal. And construct sure your niche has market necessitate.

Because in the end, passion doesn't create money; money creates passion.

Quick to get weaving? Seek Bluehost for $2.95/month (63% slay) with my connexion.

Scale Your Content Creation and Closure Writing So Much.

What if I told you that your web log's first 90 days has nothing to do with your web log and you won't write a single word?

What if the secret to scaling and making money blogging doesn't include blogging?

What if everything taught about growing a new blog has circumscribed your growth?

Remember: you'Re a business owner, non just a blogger.

From days 0 to 90, you shouldn't be focal point your get-up-and-go on writing first drafts. I won't give the same old, superannuated advice. I deny to talk about how to write about your passions, follow an newspaper column calendar, writing habits, writing consistency, (or anything about writing for that thing).

Instead, we're sledding to scale your blog like a startup and build believability in your niche quicker.

One large-scale way to do that is to get writing help. Instead of writing every single first drawing yourself, you can use a divine service like Fiverr to find freelance writers. There are flock of writers that provide blog post writing services so that you can spend your time editing, publishing, and colligate building.

Overall, thither are five main components to this process:

  1. Outreach
  2. Guest Base
  3. Outsource
  4. Backlinks
  5. Repeat indefinitely

By using this system for the first-class honours degree year after launch, my web log standard complete 5,000 backlinks from 1,000+ domains and a +74 Domain Rating (DR) increase.

About importantly, I continued to see huge year over year derive in dealings:

April 2020 Google Analytics Traffic

If you're a blogger that wants to focus on writing, consistency, passion, and habits, you can stop reading here.

But if you're one of the like-minded people that's important about growing your blog like a CEO (and not a hobby blogger), let's start monetizing.

1. Relationships Are Your Foundation.

Before you pop building relationships with other bloggers and influencers in your niche, you have to understand one central theme. You have to provide value to others. Get into't go into the serve of edifice a kinship just thinking about what you'll get out of the deal. First, you need to focus connected the benefits you'll give others.

Ask yourself: what time value are you providing in the relationship?

  • Could you bring home the bacon content because your expertise matches their audience's interests?
  • Is their blog currently in need of content to fill their editorial calendar?
  • Can you purchase link building for them in other Edgar Albert Guest posts you'Re writing?
  • Is there a topic that you're well knowledgeable in that doesn't be on their web log?

The first step in lurch is understanding your value and what you can suffice to help. This info will be vital in your initial email outreach scheme.

First, create a targeted list of sites.

At one time you understand the value you can provide, IT's time to start edifice your blog outreach list. This inclination should be a simple spreadsheet with five columns: Website, Name, Email Handle, Status, etc.

To begin populating your spreadsheet, look upfield the target blog's monthly locate visitors and Domain Authority (DA) by plugging their URL into an SEO tool like Ahrefs. Aim for blogs with a Domain Authority of 50+.

Remember, the higher the District attorney, the stronger the partnership potential, and the more SEO impact you'll receive from the relationship. To relieve time during your search, find an article wish this one with the spinning top blogs and websites acceptive guest posts, with Domain Authority scores.

Once you've pared down your list of blogs settled on the criteria above It's time to find the right-hand person to contact.

First, use LinkedIn.

Get-go by filtering your search results by the blog's company page, then within the company, search for people by using terms equal: "Content Manager," "SEO Manager," "Editor," operating theatre simply, "Pleased."

After you find 2-3 potential contacts, connect with them connected LinkedIn. 2nd degree LinkedIn connections are better than 3rd – and if you have a mutual contact, straight ameliorate. Don't spend as well much time on your connection message either, often your text gets buried or comes off as spammy.

Once you've reached out on LinkedIn, use an email tool like Hunter.Io to rake the blog for email addresses. Even if you can't find the contact lens's exact email address, shows your electronic mail social organisation, much as or Add this contact information into your spreadsheet.

2. Start Relationships & Pitch Guest Posts concurrently.

Valuable blogging relationships provide content and links. Once you suffer a list of 50-100 potential contacts and have reached outer on LinkedIn, it's clock time to set out your email outreach.

You can scale your guest blogging strategy by using an email template to protrude the family relationship patc asking to guest post at the same time.

Hither's a sampling template that I've used:

Hey (First Name),

My name's Adam and I'm the (Title of respect) at (Web log).

I'm reaching out because I love (Target Blog) and am interested in collaborating connected contented with you.

I was curious if:
1) You'd like to participate in link building. I indite (X-X) guest posts per month and would beryllium bright to link to your site in my complacent.
2) You allow guest posts on your blog.

I'd love to contribute to your (awful? informative? utilitarian?) blog and can pitch roughly topic ideas that I think your audience volition enjoy. Here are approximately Holocene epoch samples from me:
(Sample 1 URL)
(Sample 2 URL)
(Sample 3 URL)

Please let Maine know if you're fascinated and I look forward to hearing back from you presently!



That's it.

By using a guest post email template and knowing how to start an email greeting, you save time and scale your process by start a kinship and pitching a guest C. W. Post simultaneously.

Once your contact responds to your email and says they are interested in a node post, you need to sky the perfect theme.

There are quartet main criteria for the utopian guest blogging topic pitch:

  1. Your content doesn't exist on their site still. When you deliver a topic idea, go to Google and search " topic" to scan their blog to tab if information technology already exists.
  2. Your topic and target keywords have SEO value. Return to Ahrefs and input the blog's URL. View which organic keywords are driving the most traffic to see if you can find gaps in their content that you can fill.
  3. The topic matches your expertise. You should be able to write intelligently about the subject and purpose the Guest blog to build more influence in your niche.
  4. The subject matches the audience's interests. Check their newspaper column guidelines, look into how they spell their blog posts, and try to match their blog's expressive style.

Once your topic is accepted, you can move onto the heart of your client blogging strategy.

3. The Importance of Invitee Blogging.

In Jan 2019, I conducted a guest blogging experiment. My goal was to contribute equally many guest posts as I could inside 15 years to measure its impact happening my site's SEO metrics and traffic.

Here were the results afterwards 15 days:

  • Eight guest posts publicised happening websites with DAs of 81, 73, 60, 66, 71, 61, 94, and 84
  • 32 new referring domains
  • 247 new backlinks
  • 268 new essential keywords higher-ranking in the top 100
  • 372% gain in organic dealings
  • +12 to Ahrefs Domain Authority
  • Alexa Rank improved aside 600,000

The results were clear – guest posting connected high DA sites unmoving greatly impacts a new blog's SEO. With 65% of marketers saying that link edifice is the toughest SEO tactic to master, it fundament besides be the most rewarding.

That's why I commend launching a blog with 5 "pillar posts" – long-snouted-form, SEO-optimized articles shapely for inbound links. Add statistics, infographics, and case studies to making linking easier.

Even as my blog ages, I still purport to give at least one guest posts for every post I write for my blog.

Remember, when you're first learning how to make money blogging, focus more on the business and relationship side of things and less on writing.

However, the content quality of your guest posts is important. Earn predestinate to properly use headings, paragraph text, and links to your content. Follow the client post guidelines tight and enjoyment one of the best grammar chequer tools if you want to improve the quality of your penning.

Update 2020: In 2019, I publicised over 80 guest posts, increased my Domain Rating to 74 and now (as of May 2020) get over 400,000 visitors/month to my blog.

Update 2021: I stay to publish guest posts, have increased my Domain Rating to 78 and grew my web log to over 500,000 monthly visitors.

Disavowal: This article includes affiliate links which Crataegus laevigata provide a small commission to me at no cost to you. However, these are the best tools to help you make money blogging this yr. You can read my affiliate revelation in my privacy policy.

How to Monetise Your Blog decently.

There are a good deal of options when it comes to making money blogging – affiliate marketing, ads, online courses, peerless-on-one coaching job, consulting, sponsored posts, selling somatic products, etc. Some of these income streams require more dealings than others.

That's wherefore it's life-sustaining to design your later revenue-driving scheme with the right forms of monetization at the powerful points in your web log's lifecycle.

1. Plan Your Future Blog Monetization Timeline

For example, if you sensible created a new travel blog, it doesn't add up to put out ads wholly over your site. Those tactics require hundreds of thousands of monthly visitors to make good money.

Similarly, you shouldn't set off affiliate marketing and cram a bunch of links everywhere at the opening either. Generating affiliate marketing revenue can as wel require thousands of visitors to make a single cut-rate sale.

Yes, you rear yet get a home where you're generating "resistless income" with consort marketing, courses, adver revenue, and digital products, simply that can take years.

What if you want to start qualification money from your blog to quit your job in 3 months?

The good news?

The most remunerative mold of blog monetization can be used from Day 1 and doesn't take practically traffic.

Your perfect blog monetization timeline will focus on maximising revenue in each stage of your blog's development.

At that place are four distinct areas of focus:

  • 1-90 days: High-end consulting (0-1,000 time unit site visitors)
  • 90-180 days: Affiliate marketing (1,000-2,500 monthly website visitors)
  • 180-365 days: Your first online course (5,000+ monthly web site visitors)
  • 365 days and on the far side: Course memberships (10,000+ monthly web site visitors)

It may look counter-illogical to start with consulting if you'ray a brand new blog without more traffic. However, because you'rhenium building relationships and treating your blog care a business, you can land high-end clients from day one.

This post will for the first time focus on days 1-90 and how to perfect your high gear-stop sales funnel to make money blogging from the start.

Ready to get rolling? Try Bluehost for $2.95/month (63% off) with my link.

2. Captain Your Web log's Gross revenue Funnel

Your gross revenue funnel will follow comprised of 5 basal areas leading users down the path to your end goal of a overlooking-end $3,000+ consulting offer. As you scale up traffic, you can focus on lower-priced offers like online courses, associate products, sponsored posts, and digital downloads. However, the just about moneymaking way to monetise a newfound web log is with an expensive offer from the beginning.

It's a simple reconciliation revenue act as you farm your traffic. The newer your web log and the less traffic you make, the higher your price needs to follow to compensate:

Low Dealings x Lofty Price = High Dealings x Low Price

Here are the five steps to incur prospects down your sales funnel shape:

  1. A drug user reads your high-quality blog self-satisfied related to your high-final stage offer
  2. They opt-in for your email lean for a one-page "freebie" crack
  3. Optional: Add a bring dow-priced propose just about $50-200 to form trust (we will ADHD this down the line)
  4. Your automated welcome email serial tells a story and use up them down a path to set a meeting with you
  5. Finally, your ideal B2B clients adjust a meeting with you and invite out your high-end consulting fling
ConvertKit Automation

For a brand new blog, whol that you require is your first five blog posts, a one-page opt-in "freebie," an netmail platform and list, and a consulting varlet.

I'll repeat it: you'atomic number 75 a business owner, not a blogger.

Toy with all those local job websites that look like they're straight from 1996 – auto mechanics, financial services, existent estate sites, etc. They might be favorable to start out a few centred visits/calendar month. But their site is bringing in revenue because they'Re weft a need in the grocery store and providing a solution with stinky-end services.

Your blog must have a service that fills a need in the market from solar day one.

The early focalize of your red-hot web log isn't to write a bunch of blog posts that no one will find. Instead, focus on having merely five last-quality tower posts, a consulting page, and a dialed-in gross revenue funnel. Your sales outreach will do the repose.

3. Master Your High-End Consulting Offer

Atomic number 3 we discussed, when choosing your niche, you need to have a dialed-in sales funnel with the end goal of converting $3,000+ sales to business clients.

From day one, your goal to make money blogging should be driving traffic to your consulting page. This foliate needs to exist in your top-level sailing, and let in keyword research around the terms that your high-end business clients case into Google.

Make a point the Thomas Nelson Page has a professional picture of you and easy ways to contact you.

Your Homepage, Start Here page, About page, and blog posts should strategically connection to your Consulting page. Also, when contributory guest posts, you should add a link to this page in your guest author bio. Here's what mine looks like with golf links in bold:

Adam Enfroy is a content marketing consultant and blogger. He lives in Austin, TX, and writes around how to blog like a inauguration at

4. Use The Magic Email Choose-In Recipe

When building your sales funnel, you need to use electronic mail marketing software coupled with an on-site email opt-in tool to generate the most e-mail subscribers.

What's the magic formula?

ConvertKit + OptinMonster

ConvertKit is the best email marketing tool for bloggers.

It's great for a few main reasons:

  • You give the sack create advanced email sequences based on different situation actions to personalise your funnels. Musical note: 59% of customers sound out that personalization influences their shopping decision
  • Future, you buttocks create drip campaigns and link sequences jointly based on actions inside of emails.
  • Ultimately, IT's perfect for bloggers because their text emails look professional and Don't have annoying branding like-minded with MailChimp and opposite platforms.
ConvertKit Automation

Recall, simple text emails volition generate the all but revenue for your blog. Don't worry about fancy design features, adding your logo, or a bunch of images.

Recall about it. If a sales business was trying to close a $3,000 deal, what kind of email would they send? It would be a text edition-based email founded on a healthy relationship, not an impersonal, image-heavy marketing email.

In unison with the email platform, OptinMonster is the best email opt-in tool out at that place. It's a WordPress plugin that you fanny easily integrate with your blog (and ConvertKit) to generate much email subscribers.

With OptinMonster, you create different types of choose-ins, including issue-purpose pop-ups, sidebar opt-INS, and straight-grained forms inside your blog posts themselves. I deliver i choke-design pop-up, one sidebar choose-in, 1 on circumstantial pages, and one at the end of blog posts.

OptinMonster Campaign

With these electronic mail opt-in types on your blog, you are maximizing the telephone number of potential visitors incoming your email funnel and converting your visitors into customers.

5. Aggressively Focus on Affiliate Merchandising

Affiliate marketing is my absolute favorite form of web log monetization.

If you look at all of the virtually rewarding blogs, pretty often all of them are great at associate selling.

And to be a successful affiliate, you need to rank for keywords on Google and mediate purchase decisions. IT looks something like this:

Google => Your Web log => Purchase.

Confused? Let's deal few examples.

NerdWallet is a huge affiliate in the finance niche. When you Google "best deferred payment cards", you always see them at or near the top of the SERPs:

Best Credit Cards Google Search

When you click their link and bring down their site, they offer a list of the best options, with affiliate links to purchase the cards:

NerdWallet Best Credit Cards Example

There are 41 options laid out happening the Sri Frederick Handley Page, with a block of optimized content underneath to maximize their SEO.

When a user decides to click on one of the "Apply Now" affiliate links, they are redirected to the companies offer page, and NerdWallet gets a charge along apiece sale.

As "best credit cards" is searched 182,000 times per month, this page is a money-printing passive income political machine.

Get's look at another example.

What if I look for "best laptops."

Best Laptops Google Search

We regard Laptop Mag and TechRadar in the first and second positions – both assort blogs.

When we chatter on Laptop Mag, what do we see? Another tilt billet recommending products with affiliate links:

Laptop Mag Best Laptops Example
Source: Laptop Mag

Again, if a reader clicks the "View at Dell" clit, they are redirected to the product page on via an assort tie, giving Laptop Mag a commission on every sale.

Atomic number 3 "best laptops" is searched 112,000 times per month, this post is another passive income auto.

Did you notice something interesting when we made these Google searches?

There wasn't a divorced literal company that sells the products ranking for these terms. There was No Chapiter Nonpareil or Discover senior on page one – just affiliate blogs. In that location was also no Dell, Best Buy, or HP superior for "second-best laptop" – it was all blogs.

Why is that?

When searches are looking for "good" products, they want encompassing review posts, non product pages.

They're not ready to buy yet. They want to read a long-form review comparison the different options.

This is how blogs build money. They are search intent mediators. They bring in traffic via search engines, provide advice, and fix people to click affiliate links.

It's that deltoid.

So how answer you get started?

You need to start composition blog posts that are transactional in nature.

Remember, your blog is a mediator. You need to assemble subject that tin make you money and drive purchases, not adrift cognition articles that terminate't glucinium monetized.

How Much Money Prat You Make Blogging?

Bloggers are making money in all kinds of shipway. Successful bloggers can shuffle over 7-figures/year, while other bloggers might be generating no income in the least. A destination that many bloggers tell you to shoot for is $2,000/month in recurring income within one year. Nonetheless, with my monetization strategies below, I made $17k of monthly recurring gross in the first 90 days.

So let's start monetizing your blog.

You've selected your blog's niche, outsourced your self-complacent, and designed your blog monetisation timeline. It's time to learn how much money you can make blogging in 90 years.

Before you tackle this plan, you bequeath penury:

  • A WordPress blog – realize sure to get weaving with Bluehost.
  • Five pillar blog posts you want to promote.
  • All web pages complete: About Page, Pop Here Page, Contact Page, Consulting Page, Resources Page, Email Opt-In Thomas Nelson Page, etc.
  • Electronic mail marketing software set up with choose-ins in your sidebar, in blog posts, and upon exit intent.
  • An active electronic mail sales funnel with a receive email series – using ConvertKit and OptinMonster.
  • A content selling writer or freelancer ready who will help with your guest post line.

Once you have these covered and launch your blog, your 90-twenty-four hours web log monetization plan can begin.

You'll notice that this plan to make money blogging consists of almost 100% outreach.

Since you give birth your original depicted object, sales funnel, and blog posts promulgated, you maximize impact by building relationships and acquiring backlinks.

The main outreach targets include influencer relationships, your professional network, your high-cease guest personas, and blogging communities.

It's time to scale of measurement your web log like a startup in 90 days.

Let's gain some real, life-changing money blogging.

Week 1

Goals: Begin influencer outreach, get five guest post topics authorised, get 2nd tier professional connections, join communities on a blogging weapons platform.


  • Influencer Relationships
    • Create the spreadsheet heel of 100 sopranino DA sites you need to partner with
    • Find contact information and email addresses of proper contacts
    • Begin LinkedIn outreach with template
    • Begin email outreach with template
    • Get five guest post topics approved
    • Have a content team begin writing and add in your links/objective influencer links
  • Occupation Network
    • Get a tilt of 2nd grade contacts in your niche from your network
    • Reach unstylish to them, tell them about your blog, and work ways you can leave value to them
    • Unpeasant-smelling-Last B2B Client Personas
    • Build a list of 50 nonpareil B2B customer personas for your high-end consulting services
  • Join Blogging Communities
    • Join communities on blogging platforms, Facebook, LinkedIn, local run into-ups

Weeks 2-3

Goals: Get the first two guest posts published, get approved to contribute five more guest posts, outreach to commanding-end B2B client personas.


  • Influencer Relationships
    • Beget first two guest posts promulgated subordinate your name
    • Continue outreach and get accepted to contribute quint more guest posts
    • Outreach to target influencers you linked to in your two published posts
  • Professional Electronic network
    • Meet with 2nd tier contacts you were introed to, see how you lavatory provide value
  • High-Remainder B2B Client Personas
    • Outreach to inclination of 50 ideal B2B customer personas to ask about business and pain points
  • Blogging Communities
    • Range call at your niche, introduce yourself, and see how you can provide value

Week 4

Goals: Outreach to high-end B2B guest personas, get two more guest posts published, begin data link net.


  • Influencer Relationships
    • Get two much guest posts published (4 published, 6 in progress)
    • Share posts connected social media and with network
    • Outreach to influencers that you linked to in guest posts
    • Leverage current influencer relationships to create link building network
  • High-End B2B Client Personas
    • Play along dormie with your list and offer to set up a encounter
    • Meet with and practice four sales meetings with your high-end B2B client personas

Reminder: this blog post covers the first four weeks to help you make money blogging. If you need a free people 10,000+ Christian Bible email course, a 7-Day Blog Launch Checklist, and your full 90-day be after to make $10k, you can augury up for my email listing below.

To recap how I want you to think about how to make money blogging, deal it this right smart:

To earn $10,000 in monthly recurring receipts from your blog, you either need to:

A. Sell 200 affiliate marketing products at $50 per sale every month. Oregon B. Close 3-4 high-end consulting deals. Which is easier? The affiliate marketing alternative may require 25,000-50,000+ each month website visitors; the consulting pick only requires a little expertise and a gross sales funnel.

Ready to wee money blogging? Sample Bluehost for $2.95/calendar month (63% polish off) with my link.

Disclaimer: This article includes associate links which may provide a small commission to Maine at nary cost to you. However, these are the best tools to helper you make money blogging this year. You can read my consort disclosure in my privacy policy.

How to Make Money Blogging FAQ.

Can you make a living blogging?

Yes, you absolutely can make a living blogging and it can be very remunerative. Nonetheless, the mealy truth is that the vast majority of bloggers do not make decent money to support themselves. I launched this blog in 2019 and as you can see in my Blog Income Report, I make ended $80,000 per month from this blog.

How do beginner bloggers make money?

If you'rhenium just starting retired, it can take a young tur of time to start accumulating an income. During the early days, bloggers should offer consulting and coaching services to gain a higher income in exchange for their time. Since traffic levels are low at the beginning, turning those visitors into customers with a higher-priced offer makes the just about mother wit.

After you have some steady consulting income trilled in and traffic levels increase, bloggers can then add affiliate golf links, extremity products, and ads to their blog.

How much money do bloggers make?

The amount of money that bloggers cook varies widely. Reported to a ProBlogger Report, earnings per month are broken-field out as follows:
1. Almost 38% of bloggers make less than $10.
2. 10% of bloggers clear between $10 and $99.
3. 17% of bloggers earn between $100 and $499.
4. 7% earn between $500 and $999.
5. 9% gain between $1,000 and $9,999.
6. 4% earn $10,000 or higher.

Act bloggers pay off taxes?

Yes, bloggers mustiness pay taxes on their income, regardless if they're an LLC, S Corp, Oregon sole proprietorship. Different income streams require different assess liabilities.

For example, if you sell products on your blog, you motive to collect sales taxes only your client lives within your tax nexus (in the United States, this is typically the state you lodge in in). Most ecommerce platforms take concern of these calculations for you.

If you render income from affiliate programs, the companies you are promoting treat you as a 1099 main contractor.

Atomic number 102 issue your entity type, you need to habituate method of accounting software and keep a cracking record of your books for tax season.

Do I need an LLC for my web log?

The squab answer is No, you don't need an LLC to run a blog. You can pop out every bit a sole proprietor and include your income with your personal taxes. Even so, once you start making a sizeable income, there are tax advantages to creating an LLC operating theatre S Corp.

Who is the richest blogger?

Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Berth is the domain's richest blogger. She founded her company in 2005 and now makes over $2 million per month from her news program website.

Other flush blogger is Michael Arrington, the founder of TechCrunch. He brings in around $800,000 per month from his technology web log.


By selecting your ecological niche based on market factors and B2B components, you 200x your blog's revenue potential.

By scaling your mental object strategy, conducting ongoing SEO site audits, and outsourcing aspects of your penning process, you 200x your backlink accomplishment and Arena Authority (DA).

Finally, by choosing the right gamey-finish blog monetization strategies from Day 1, you can make life-changing money as a blogger within 90 days, not five eld.

Using these tactics in the number 1 year of my new blog, I started making $35k/calendar month by calendar month 9, got 7.1k backlinks from 1,000 new referring domains, increased my Domain Military rank from 0 to 73 and my dealings from 0 to 250,000+ readers/month.

I Hope this article helped you learn how to make money blogging. Join my netmail list for my full 2019 blog income report where I play up how I made $203k in my blog's first year and $812k in my endorse year.

Advisable Resources connected If you're interested in eruditeness many approximately blogging, check out my ultimate guide to learn how to start a blog, the best web hosting companies, and take a deep dive into my guest blogging and outreach strategies.

How Much Money Can You Make Blogging


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